Multiwinia powerup guide
Multiwinia powerup guide

multiwinia powerup guide

They cost a low percentage of a character's mana pool, or none at all, and can be used extremely frequently to pressure a lane and test an opponent's ability to "sustain" themselves. In Dota2, this is nearly unheard of: first blood happening before the creeps even spawn is more common than a game going so long without a death.Ī majority of spells in LoL are inherently spammable.

multiwinia powerup guide

It is not uncommon for the first kill of a LoL match to happen 5-10 minutes into the game. When coupled with the Flash ability, which grants every character a teleport from the start of the game, and towers which deal huge amounts of damage, action at low levels becomes incredibly rare. This makes movement between them easily noticable only the jungler can truly gank unpredictably. In competitive play, these for the most part seem relatively static.Īs I've already mentioned, the lanes in LoL are very similar from game to game. League of Legends also includes Runes and Masteries, advantages which players can take with them into the beginning of the game.

multiwinia powerup guide

The majority of Summoner spells are simply copies of items or abilities in Dota2. However, the power of "Flash," a short-distance blink spell, makes it all but required by every player, essentially just adding a high cooldown blink to every hero. League of Legends also introduced the concept of Summoner spells, which on the surface is an excellent addition to the depth of the genre. These roles have not changed in at least a year of high level gameplay and across multiple tournaments. Convention dictates that an AD carry and a support go bottom, an AP carry goes mid, and a sustainer goes top, with the 5th man- an all but required jungler, left to his devices. League of Legends has a relatively stable metagame. Lanes and roles are incredibly fluid to the point where attempting to define many heroes, or even predicting how a single 5-hero composition will lane, becomes difficult. Trilanes, where three allied heroes on the same team group remain in close proximity from the beginning of the game, as well as roamers, where one or more heroes has no set place on the map and moves about as needed, are both common. Junglers are optional, with dual or unorthodox junglers presenting themselves at times. Within the games:ĭota2 has an incredibly versatile metagame. However, I also believe that everything I say will be accurate- if anything isn't, or you feel there's something I've missed or should clarify, please point it out and I'm happy to change it. My answer will undoubtedly be Dota2 biased because after playing both I feel that it is by far the better competitive game. This question has been a long time coming. Consider the average time spent on a tower, and remember that you'll have missed on enough money to expand as soon as your worker spends 5 minutes on the tower (travel time included): To illustrate, check this chart*, which states that a single worker earns you ~60 minerals per minute. Even for the Zerg, who use the same queue for both warriors and workers, you're better off with the cheaper and more powerful zergling. If your base isn't producing workers for even a second (time spent upgrading human bases excluded of course), or if you're sacrificing any of them before you have 30 on every base and 2-3 bases, you're probably doing something wrong. Add in the time spent there, and suddenly losing 2 or 3 50-mineral units to get a tower sounds like a trifle compared to losing a worker for the same purpose. The listed cost of a worker is 50 unless you have maxed your minerals, which happens much after the struggle for towers, merely the time it takes for the worker to get to the tower would've netted you at around 50 more minerals if that worker had been mining instead.

multiwinia powerup guide

Army units are secondary and much more disposable, not to mention can defend the tower, as well as sneak a kill against unattended or weaker scouts (depends on the matchup). Early to midgame, you should be building workers as fast as you can, as they are the life-force of your army, and pretty much every strategy can be traced back to them (harass to decrease enemy workers, push to exploit an early expand lest the increase in enemy workers overwhelms you economically, etc). A basic soldier unit is better than a worker, both for ramp scouting, tower holding, or simple patrolling.

Multiwinia powerup guide